




Bruce Raaberg U.S.A eller efterkommere efterlyses ?


Hallo Bruce Raaberg

We are doing some research about our family roots in Denmark, and in this work we have been through all the names of our grandgrandparents and their children.

It is in this connexion we are writing to you.

Our grandmother Martha Bjørnsten born Højland ( ing english "Highland" had a sister Betty. Betty was married to Peter Raaberg and sometimes in the 30ties they went to America.

In many years there was a lot of comunication as writing and pictures from Betty to Denmark. Betty and Peter had as we know to sons Werner and Wagn. The communication stopped sometimes after 1959 when our grandmother Martha died.

Among the pictures from our grandmother we found a undated picture in black-white showing Bruce 3,5 years and Heidi 3 weeks and on another picture Betty has written our livengroom whith the fireplace with pictures of Eirin and Werner, Doethy Wayne, Bruce and Heidi.

Now we wonder if that Bruce on the pictures is you. If it is ypu, and we hope so, we would very much like to hear fra you.

We speciallly would like to know if any of the "old" family is alive, and how you and the family is to day, we can'not find out if youre father is Werner or Wagn, and who Walter Higland is and now is connected to Betty and Peter Raaberg.

Our father Bjørn Tide Bjørnsten who died in 1985, was a cousin to Werner and Wagn, visited the family and USA in 1949 and it was then very close that we and our mother Ruth had immigrated on that time, but of some reasons it never happend. We think it would be very nice, and the spirit of Betty and Martha, to have a new connexion to "the family in the states" so be kind send some us a line.

Very kind regards

Lars Bjørnsten and Henrik Bjørnsten

We also send you a list of the Højland (Higland) family, so you ca se the connextions



Wayne Highland, Erin Highland, Jacob Highland, Werner Highland, Martha Highland, Gwen Raaberg, Charlyn Raaberg, Andrew Raaberg,Colin Raaberg, Greg Raaberg,  Curt Raaberg, Carol Highland, Muriel Highland, Paul Highland, Gary Highland, Sophie Highland, Holly Highland, Margaret Highland,Jentry Highland, Cheryl White Highland, Shirley Highland ,Tara Highland, Carey Highland, Jennifer Highland, Jenn Highland , Shirley Highland, Brooke Highland, Robb M Highland, Graziella Highland, Declan Highland, Trevor Highland, John Highland, William Highland,Dougal Highland, Paul Highland ??



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